The first mention of it is in the minutes of the Installation of the second Master when the first Master W.Bro George Gribbin was presented with a Past Master’s jewel.
The minute said the jewel was ‘subscribed for by the members of the Lodge.’
The top bar is deeper than is normally found in the usual Past Master’s jewel. It has ‘United Masters’ on the upper line, with ‘Lodge No. 167’ below that.
The ribbon has the standard Past Master’s emblem upon it, the square with the diagram of Euclid’s 47th proposition suspended below it.
The pendant has the ‘a Bouche’ shield surrounded by a circle, but not a garter as on the Lodge badge, on which are the three words, ‘Audi Vide Tace’.
The circle is surmounted by a crown in the style of a brick wall. Above this is the arm with the hand-held axe.
The curly bits below the crown are similar to the standard heraldic ‘wreath’ of twisted cloth used in medieval times by the wearer to support the crest and hide the join between the crest and the helm.