The design of the Medal shall be the same as now presented to Past Masters of the Lodge, but without any emblem of office and without the crest, and shall be appropriately inscribed on the back. It shall be awarded only by resolution of the Lodge, passed after a recommendation in favour of same shall have been received from the Past Masters of the Lodge.”
The motion was carried “after it being fully explained that it was not the intention of giving the jewel except for services rendered to the Lodge over a period of time”.
The top bar is the same as the Past Master’s jewel but with a circlet braised on so as to hang the pendant. The pendant is the lodge shield surrounded by the circle but without the mural crown, arm and axe.
There are some in the lodge collection with names engraved on the back and others without any identification at all.
The first was awarded to W. Bro. H. Purdy in September 1953. He had been Director of Ceremonies for some time. He received a ‘bar’ to the jewel in October 1972 for having been an officer of the Lodge over 20 years.
W. Bro. R. F. Newton received the jewel in October 1954 for service as Secretary. In May 1970, 15 members were awarded the jewel for their part in performing the 1760 era ceremony of “The Lodge of Antiquity No. 0” on many occasions in several locations throughout the country.
Bros. WJ Angell, TR Bird, D Chalmers, OW Drever, CG GLadding, M Hynes, EB Isham, HA Marks, GH McGibbon, AW McIlwraith, JS Pontin, IFE Wilson, H Wyatt, JS Hester, and BC Major. Bro. RF Newton was not awarded the jewel as he had already received it earlier.
Also, Bros. JP Glenie and F Howarth were elected to Honorary membership, for being the key organisers of the Lodge of Antiquity.